Friday, March 9, 2007

Freewrite #3: Internet Art

For this assignment, I want you to review the terms that we talked about from the introduction to Internet Art. Most of these basic concepts appear frequently throughout the book, and if you are still unclear on some of them, do some internet research about them (such as "installation art").

For the freewrite, write at least 2.5 pages on one of the sub-chapters of Internet Art (remember to use 1.5 spacing and Times Roman font). By "sub-chapter," I mean the italicized sub-headings under the four main chapter headings. Go to the website and look at some of the art works discussed (or look at other pieces by the same artists).

Your freewrite should include:
  • a summary of the main points of the subchapter you have chosen (including at least three quotes from the text that you redefine in your own words)
  • a brief analysis/description of the art work you have decided to look at
  • a sort of "update" on what the artist is doing now -- i.e. are there works on Rhizome that were not discussed in the book? did you find anything through Google about this artist?
  • your evaluation on the worth of the art work -- basically, do you like it, why or why not? (you have to give reasons)
The best way to pick a subchapter would be either by flipping through the book, reading the captions to the images, and after you've found a piece that you liked, reading that sub-chapter. Or you could just look at the table of contents and pick a subheading that seems to have something to do with your interests.

This is due on Monday, the 19th.

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