Monday, March 26, 2007

Research Paper Outline

For this Friday, March 30, I'd like you to hand in a two page outline of your paper topic that includes the following:

Thesis paragraph:
  • what questions do you aim to answer or what are the main points you will be making (argumentative or analyitical)
  • what material do intend to investigate to answer this question
  • what terms do you plan on introducing or defining
  • how does this relate to the concepts of new media that we have covered
Outline of paper:

I. Working title for your paper

II. Thesis paragraph

III. Overview of what we know so far
  • historical developments
  • things you have seen in passing
IV. The examples you will be reviewing and what key points you will be making
  • how does each relate to the thesis
  • what are the strengths and weaknesses of this example
  • how will you transition to the next point
V. The conclusion
  • how all of the examples relate to your thesis
  • what more do we need to know to answer the questions adequately
  • what are the implications of your findings
  • sources from the New Media Reader
  • sources from books
  • sources from websites (including multimedia)
  • sources from magazines you research on library website
Sample outline:

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